I'm Saving My Strength For Running
I have become numb to your calls to action. I have lost faith in the possibility of change. I have seen no reason to remain optimistic. I...
Rome is Burning
Yosemite National Park is the Mecca of modern rock climbing. Being notoriously difficult to ‘put into words,’ what follows will most...
Where to begin...
So much has transpired in the last week, it’s hard to know where to start. Let’s work backwards... 10:30 am, Friday; Shoshone Rose...
(de)Parting Words
I am both exhausted and exhilarated. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity as I've been spending every spare moment...
Someday Never Comes
You won’t find someday on the calendar. You will find next week, next year, even the next solar eclipse. (It’s soon!) But for some...
Demolition Complete/FAQs
While the van is in the shop I figured I’d give you all a brief update of progress. I am happy to announce that the demolition phase is...
Throw Your Plans Out the Window
In the beginning, there was rust. Everywhere. On my clothes, in my hair, under the carpet, in my eyes. I couldn't escape it. So I was...